I’ve felt the wind of change quite a few times in my life.
When it appears it’s like a tiny breeze that’s just cold enough to make my ears
start aching uncomfortably.
No, my ears don’t actually ache when I feel the wind of
change, but I feel ill-at-ease. I am aware of something unspoken, something
intangible, something “arriving”, and I wait for what it might be. (It often
starts a couple of months ahead of change.)
Sometimes change finds me and is for the most part out of my
control. But more often, change comes when I am faced with a decision. It
usually has me choosing whether I remain exactly where I am, or has me
considering the unknown. Unknown being scary to most of us. So really, I’m
choosing whether I want to be stagnant, or be brave.

And what do I (or any of us) get for choosing change? We get
a lack of stagnation, which can mean a million different things. It can be a
new job, it can be a new viewpoint, a new friend, or new peace of mind. The
side benefit of this, is learning it’s ok to choose change. Even if the walk
along the yellow brick road is bumpy; bumpy doesn’t have to be anything we
worry about. Or if upon arrival all we find that little dude with the
megaphone… he’s nothing to worry about either. All told, the journey is full of
a million different little things, and the lack of stagnation is what makes
life so great.
An old Indonesian proverb says: “Learning from a teacher who
has stopped learning is like drinking water from a stagnant pond.”
We should be saying “eww”, because who knows what awfulness
lives in that crusty/icky water. You wouldn’t want to drink it, and you
shouldn’t want to learn anything from someone insisting they already know
everything, or that there is no more to learn.
Also… Sometimes we are the teacher we learn from. We
mustn’t stop, we mustn’t insist on no change, we mustn’t be stagnant. We
need to allow ourselves to grow and change and live and learn that life gets better
when we step foot on that bumpy brick road. And know -the end of the line isn’t that
little dude and a megaphone.
ride that wind as long and as far as you can!